Friday, 13 July 2012

2013 MAIN Post 10: Post-production

Although some of you struggled with time and equipment avaliability during your preliminary task you do now need to do all of the following steps as the edit suites wont be able to manage with you capturing all of your footage so, please follow the steps below:
  1. Set up a new folder in my documents, title 2011 AS OS ******** (replace the **'s with the title of your film.)
  2. Proceed to set up a new Adobe Premiere Pro Project ensuring that you use PAL (widescreen 48hz)
  3. Log your footage - highlighting your decisions of which takes you will use.
  4. Batch capture ONLY the "yes" footage.
  5. Create a rough cut remembering to take screen grabs of the process and recording decisions and revisions made in your post-production report.
  6. Show to your colleagues, gain feedback and record their thought READ MAIN Post 12.1 Part 1  for details of what exactly to do and put evidence under Post 12.1.
  7. Continue edit adding, titles, transitions, music etc.
  8. When you think you are complete - SHOW MRS SHIPP!
  9. Export your project.

***** April 2013.latest.

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