On this blog you will find details of each post you need to create on your own blog. It is important that you follow the instructions carefully to ensure you meet the marking criteria.
You will need to complete Section A of each task to achieve the basic 'E' grade criteria.
- If you complete Section A and the tasks under Section B you will be aiming for a 'C' grade (providing you fulfil the tasks in detail).
- If you complete Sections A, B and C, demonstrating independence and application of understanding to a high level you will be aiming for an 'A' grade in your coursework.
Note: There will not always be all three sections.
Each post has been designed to get you the highest grade so it's up to you!
So lets get started.....
Post 1
Section A
- Give your first post the following title: Preliminary Task Introduction
- Write a brief description of the task that you have been set for the preliminary task. (You can use the one in the handbook if you're struggling to put it into your own words.)
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